Leaching to Reduce Toxicity Level
John Woon (Senior Latex Consultant): I had answer many questions on leaching before. Please refer to my previous answer as follows:
Leaching is a big subject which entails at least 7 steps of mechanism. I can prepare a detailed report for you if required. In the mean time, here is my brief suggestion:
1) Higher leach water temperature is to be used to ensure maximum solubility of all the hydrophilic materials. But cold water leaching is to be included if non-ionic surfactants are also used.
2) Frequent replenishment with clean water is advisable.
3) Turbulence in the leaching tank would help.
4) Leach for as long a period as practically possible.
5) Adopt both wet and dry leaching.
6) Check copper (ion) level in the leach water.
If you are using a post-vulcanisable latex compound, I suggest you evaluate prevulcanised latex which has a comparatively low level of toxicity.