Latex Gloves Educational Articles from the Malaysian Rubber Export Promotion Council
1) Low Protein Latex Gloves
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2) Health and Safety
"The fact remains that natural rubber latex remains the gold standard for hand barrier protection due to its strength, elasticity, and relatively low cost. With the availability of low-protein gloves, many clinicians are finding that natural rubber latex gloves are the best overall choice."
-Plastic Surgical Nursing, "Making Sense of Glove Selection," December 22, 2003
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3) Food Safety
"Although most restaurants that use latex offer workers other options such as vinyl, employees prefer latex 5 to 1."
-Statesman Journal, Salem, Ore., August 17, 2002
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4) Policy and Regulation
Of gloves made from other materials, such as synthetic rubbers or polymers, "none possesses the unique mix of properties found in NRL [natural rubber latex] gloves."
-Medical Glove Powder Report, September 1997
U.S. Food and Drug Administration
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5)Natural Rubber Latex Gloves Protect Against Viruses and Resist Tear Better Than Synthetic Gloves
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6) The Malaysian Standard Glove (SMG)
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