How important is the particle size of chemicals for latex products?
We are manufacturing both Nitrile and natural rubber latex gloves. Recently we’ve heard of chemical dispersion of sub-micron nano size being offered in the market. Is it important to use curative dispersion of nano size to ensure good physical properties of our gloves?
JohnWoon: Earlier work done by MRPRA in England suggests that the answer is "NO". This is because of the possibility of the curatives, namely sulphur, ZnO and accelerators forming sulphur-accelerator species in the serum of latex and becomes soluble very quickly in the presence of hydrophilic non-rubbers. Curatives of average particle size ranging from 1 to 5 microns have been and are being used without problems.
Also, ZnO is known to dissolve almost immediately when added to Nitrile latex due to its reaction with the carboxylic acids. Hence the question of the settling of the high-specific gravity ZnO and hence poor cross-linking does not arise.
Having said that, chemical dispersions with very fine particle size would be advantageous in reducing the degree of sedimentation of the particles in the dispersions on storage. This would make the job of pre-mixing the dispersions just before adding them to the latex easier. Also, if fillers are used, nano-sized versions are preferred.
You are at the site for answers and solutions to all your problems in natural rubber latex processing and manufacturing of medical gloves, condoms, catheters, baby teats and baby pacifiers.
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