Could exposure to phthalates be contributing to the falling levels of sperm counts, rising levels of obesity and insulin resistance in men?
Although more research is needed, University of Rochester Medical Centre (URMC) in New York has expressed concern that there are signs in scientific literature that things might be seriously wrong.
The URMC study follows work done by a team at the Harvard School of Public Health, in the US, which found correlations between levels of phthalates in the urine of adult men and decreased quality of their sperm.
What about obesity and insulin resistance then? Urine samples from a cross-sectional study of US males showed high concentrations of phthalates were more likely to be present in men who had abdominal obesity and/or had insulin resistance. Also, low testosterone has also been associated with increased abdominal obesity (or belly fat) and insulin resistance, often a precursor to type-2 diabetes.
For detailed information, please contact Mr. John Woon
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