Freeze-Thaw Stability of Latex Compounds
John Woon (Senior Latex Consultant): You can use the following method:
1) Fill up a glass bottle (of capacity of about 250 gram) with the latex compound to three-quarter full.
2) Subject the bottle to 10 cycles of 18 hours freezing at - 20°C followed by 6 hours thawing at room temperature.
3) Examine the sample for signs of gelling and precipitation (coagulation).
If the test confirms that the compound has poor resistance to freeze/thaw, proceed to do the following:
1) Add ethylene glycol at 1 to 2% into a fresh sample of the latex compound and stir gently for 1 hour.
2) Repeat the freeze-thaw test.
If ethylene glycol cannot work, please let me know and I would suggest other alternatives.
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