Blending NR latex with SBR
John Woon (Senior Latex Consultant): The physical properties of SBR (Styrene butadiene copolymer) changes progressively from polybutadiene which is flexible and rubbery to polystyrene which is rigid and glassy. I suggest you try those grades with styrene content of 45% and lower. A suitable grade could a high solid (~62%) SBR used for latex foam manufacturing, not XSBR which is carboxylated.
Generally, once you blend NR with SBR you'd get lower tensile strength. Your total rubber content in your latex compound formulation should not change, otherwise you've to adjust the sulphur and accelerator content accordingly.
For maximum transparency, you should select a grade of SBR with a refractive index close to that of NR, i.e. 1.519.
The accelerator you use is not ideal for transparency. You should choose one that's more soluble in rubber and has minimal tendency to bloom.
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