4th International Rubber Glove Conference & Exhibition 2008 (IRGCE) - 2 - 4 September 2008
The Conference will review and analyze, and provide critical information on the latest trends and development of the rubber glove industry, covering innovations, regulations and standards, productivity and competitiveness.
Leading R&D personnel, standards and regulatory experts, industry analysts and market players will present relevant technical / professional papers on the dynamic glove industry.
About 700 participants and delegates are expected at this event, which will create an opportunity for all players and stake-holders in the glove and related industries to interact and to foster a closer rapport.
The Exhibition will showcase the latest products and services in three categories: 1) Glove manufacturing industry, 2) Supporting and services industries in the glove industry, and 3) Disposable medical devices industry.
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You are at the site for answers and solutions to all your problems in natural rubber latex processing and manufacturing of industrial, household and medical gloves, condoms, catheters, baby teats and baby pacifiers, toy balloons, latex foam products, latex threads etc.
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